Why you should listen to me when it comes to connecting with kids.
Take a close look at the picture that is my banner for this website, not the picture of me (shudder), the picture of the kids raising their hands, jumping out of their seats. That is a picture of an audience that attended one of my educational assemblies. IMAGINE if you had that kind of enthusiasm in your classroom? It's possible and with my workshop any teacher can add a special ingredient to make the difference!
My name is Brian Richards and for the past 30 years I have had the wonderful opportuntiy of connecting with kids using my "educationally significant" programs in schools all over Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, Montana and the Dakotas. During that time I consistently get asked the same question by teachers.
“What’s your secret to connecting with kids and getting them so excited about learning?” Well, the answer is I have an UNFAIR advantage. The students see me as a fun alternative to learning in the classroom so the deck is stacked in my favor (pardon the pun). My book, MAGICAL CONNECTIONS: Capture and Maintain the Focus of your Students Like MAGIC! is also a workshop that can give any teacher the same advantage. If nothing else it will get your class excited and anticipating the next days lesson.
But here’s the good news...I can teach you some wonderful tools that make connecting with your students easier and more fun for YOU!
Plus, I am indebted to the schools and teachers I work with and as a result, this project has become a way to say thanks to all the teachers, principals, aides, media specialists, counselors and PTA/PTO members who have invited me to their schools to make a difference in the lives of thousands of students. I want current and future teachers to learn these secrets, so this workshop is dedicated to teachers and priced to make it affordable to all!! Tremendous value that’s my goal for all my workshops. I know how tight things are today. How many fund-raisiers does your school have? How often do you have to beg parents to buy “extra things”? When in reality those extra things are necessities for your class! This course is my gift back to the many educational systems that I have enjoyed working with for so long.
As I mentioned above this workshop is a gift to teachers and I want to offer my book at a very special price on this website. My normal price for Magical Connections is $20.00 but if you purchase the book from this site you can save $8 and pay only $12.00!
That's right for only $12.00 get the book that I use in my workshop you will find:
To get your copy today call or text Brian at (763) 656-3662
For more information about the workshop contact Brian Richards…